As the name suggests, this is a page of various lists I've compiled.
They're from various little creative endeavors as well as inventories of my
media collections. The self-indulgent side of me thinks that they might be of
interest to others, or at least offer some entertainment value from their
Chinese Cookie Fortunes
- Last Updated 11/16/05
Some fortune-cookie fortunes that struck a chord with me.
As a side note, I've found this
fortune database,
which is kind of interesting and fun to search through.
Silly Band Names
- Last Updated 02/28/06
A random collection of (somewhat) amusing band names. Warning, contains
some lowbrow, and sometimes politically-incorrect, and even likely-offensive
Song Lyrics Compilation
- Last Updated 11/16/05
Sometimes my writing has been inspired by song lyrics, so I started
collecting snippets from songs which interested me. I've also created
a sketchbook to get artists at furry conventions to do illustrations
based on some of these lyrics. A slight warning, since these are rock
lyrics, there is some adult language and subject matter in there.
DVD Catalog
- Last Updated 01/12/04
A listing of the DVDs in my collection. I'm a movie nut, so my collection
keeps growing.
MST3K Bootleg Episodes Catalog
- Last Updated 01/12/04
A friend of mine has been converting his vhs collection of old Mystery
Science Theater 3000 episodes to DVD. I've benefited from that work as
he's given me copies of episodes he's converted as well.
CD Catalog
- coming sometime
Hiking 4000+ Footers in New England
- Last Updated 09/04/05
I'd been hiking casually for a long time, but for the past few years I've been
serious about hiking all of the 4000+ foot peaks in the White Mountains.
My goal is to finish the ones in New Hampshire in the summer of 2005. Then
I'll see about the ones in Maine and Vermont.
I've found this page on
peak-bagging the 4000
footers, which offers a lot of useful information on the mountains
and trails to hike.